4/26/15 Illegal Transmission Tower Climb Credits:Video edited by me.Song “Mssingno - Xe3 (Wheathin Turn)”Notes:This was the first climbing video I recorded and shared online. You Might Also Like ILLEGAL FREEDOM: VACANT OASIS BEAUTIFUL Sunset Surfing & Roofing Session shiey - no lanes (Music Video) Journey Across Switzerland ALL PARTS TWICE ESCAPING Burnt Night Club AFTER Setting Off Alarm
4/26/15 Illegal Transmission Tower Climb Credits:Video edited by me.Song “Mssingno - Xe3 (Wheathin Turn)”Notes:This was the first climbing video I recorded and shared online. You Might Also Like ILLEGAL FREEDOM: VACANT OASIS BEAUTIFUL Sunset Surfing & Roofing Session shiey - no lanes (Music Video) Journey Across Switzerland ALL PARTS TWICE ESCAPING Burnt Night Club AFTER Setting Off Alarm