Skip to Videos All | Not On Youtube | Journeys | Missions | Finds | Music Videos | Episodes | Other | 2/23/25 Mission To Ancient Mountain Ghost Town Remnants 2/6/25 Stealth Mission To Unused Nuclear Plant Reactor Core 1/16/25 Sneak Mission To Modern Nuclear Bunker Complex 9/3/24 4x4 Journey Across Wildlands of Georgia 7/8/24 shiey - ALL THAT MATTERS (Music Video) 7/8/24 The most cryptic building I ever explored. (Story) 6/25/24 shiey - RUN AWAY (Music Video) 6/24/24 Railway Journey To Capital of Georgia PART 3 6/10/24 Railway Journey To Capital of Georgia PART 2 5/31/24 Railway Journey To Capital of Georgia PART 1 3/15/24 shiey - feeling my best (Music Video) 3/15/24 The Escape From Chemical Plant Ghost Town 2/14/24 Mission To Depths of Derelict World War 2 Island 1/9/24 The Soviet Space Observatory Mission 12/21/23 The Chemical Plant Ghost Town Mission 12/14/23 shiey - growing colder (Music Video) 11/29/23 Mission To Rare 1950s NATO Satellite Mountain Base 11/9/23 Mission To Infamous Asylum Island of Venice 10/28/23 shiey - make it back (Music Video) 10/25/23 Snowstorm Mission To Mountain Peak Radar Station 9/29/23 Mission To Enter & Escape Collapsing Mine Tunnels 9/1/23 Mission To Secured Satellite Broadcast Complex 8/16/23 Cycling Journey To The Adriatic Sea PART 4 7/19/23 Cycling Journey To The Adriatic Sea PART 3 6/8/23 Cycling Journey To The Adriatic Sea PART 2 5/9/23 Cycling Journey To The Adriatic Sea PART 1 4/19/23 Wild Journey Across Montenegro PART 4 3/28/23 Wild Journey Across Montenegro PART 3 3/5/23 Wild Journey Across Montenegro PART 2 2/19/23 shiey - why you afraid (Midnight Performance) 2/19/23 Wild Journey Across Montenegro PART 1 2/8/23 Mission Across Tatra Mountain Valley Peaks 12/8/22 Found Computers & Gear in Abandoned Power Plant 12/8/22 Found Unused Nuclear Bunker Filled with Equipment 10/3/22 shiey - shining (Music Video) 8/21/22 shiey - settle down (Music Video) 8/22/22 Train Surfing Journey Across Serbia ALL PARTS 7/21/22 shiey - back on a mission (Music Video) 7/21/22 Found Working 1940s Bunker Complex with Power & Water 6/21/22 Mission To Deep Underground Bunker Complex with Power 6/11/22 Elevator Surfing Mission To Skyscraper Rooftops 5/4/22 shiey - roaming (Music Video) 3/9/22 Journey Across Island of Sardinia ALL PARTS 11/19/21 Train Surfing Journey Across Montenegro ALL PARTS 9/26/21 Found House in Ghost Village with Power & Water 9/2/21 Journey Through Modern-Day Ghost Town of Italy ALL PARTS 5/24/21 Journey Across Bosnia & Herzegovina ALL PARTS 2/11/21 Mission To Abandoned Military Aircraft Storage Facility 2/2/21 Mission Through Deep Under-City Passage Tunnels 1/25/21 Mission To Giant Sunken Machines in Flooded Valley 1/7/21 Pipe Crawl Mission To Underground Bunker Hideout 12/24/20 Train Surfing Journey Across Croatia ALL PARTS 11/23/20 Found Abandoned Hotels with Power & Equipment 11/9/20 Found Working Nuclear Bunker with Vehicles & Gear 9/12/20 Train Surfing Journey Across Europe ALL PARTS 9/8/20 shiey - poem to a pigeon (Music Video) 5/30/20 Co-op Mission Inside Abandoned Car Factory 5/13/20 Mission To Towers, Rooftops & Bunkers of Kharkiv 5/8/20 shiey - no lanes (Music Video) 5/8/20 Mission To Core of Deep Underground Maze-like Complex 4/30/20 shiey - distance (Music Video) 4/29/20 Train Surfing Mission To The Baltic Sea 3/26/20 Mission To Huge Abandoned Vehicle Storage Facility 2/27/20 Winter Journey Across Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ALL PARTS 2/19/20 Mission To Secret Space Research Station 2/12/20 Mission To Huge Fully-Stocked Underground Safe House Complex 1/22/20 Train Surfing Journey To The Black Sea ALL PARTS 9/25/19 Journey Across Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ALL PARTS 9/10/19 Yes officer, I'm going to jump... 8/14/19 Journey Across Switzerland ALL PARTS 8/4/19 shiey - polar night (Music Video) 7/18/19 Journey Across Abandoned Riga ALL PARTS 6/26/19 Train Surfing Journey To Capital City 6/6/19 We found foreign cars left in ABANDONED building 5/30/19 Train Surfing Journey To The Baltic Sea ALL PARTS 5/15/19 Found PRESERVED Cold-War Bunker with Working Equipment 5/1/19 shiey - running out (Music Video) 4/24/19 Found HUNDREDS of vehicles in "Soviet-Spaceship" 3/27/19 No officer, I'm not going to jump... 3/20/19 Found & entered a military war ship. 3/13/19 Wild Train Surfing Mission With The Boys 3/6/19 Found ANOTHER fully equipped bunker left forgotten. 2/26/19 Explaining the mysterious underground safe houses 2/20/19 EVOLUTION OF CONFIDENCE 1/13/19 ILLEGAL FREEDOM: VACANT OASIS 10/3/18 Sneaking around a fully working factory 9/25/18 Found Semi-Abandoned Helicopter Hangar 9/6/18 When undercover police came to "save" me 8/22/18 We found lots of FOREIGN Cars in ABANDONED Building 5/19/18 Security Escape DURING Bus Surf 5/9/18 Smooth Train Surfing Mission Across Cities 2/23/18 Found creepy laptops in ABANDONED hospital 2/3/18 Found working server room in abandoned building 1/12/18 Escaping Power Plant AFTER Security Forces Rush In 1/6/18 Found a powered underground soviet command bunker 12/24/17 Improvised Crane Climb & Balance 12/11/17 Truck Surfing FAIL (Where NOT To Hold On a Truck) 12/5/17 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | EP. 5 | The Abrupt Days 11/15/17 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | Intermission | What is safety? 9/26/17 Sneaking In Working Factory AND Chilling In Break Room 9/18/17 We found a sealed underground safe house with emergency power 9/9/17 Testing Factory's Security AFTER Spotted Sneaking Inside 9/5/17 We found a huge working soviet-era machine and drove it 9/2/17 Escaping Biochemistry Facility BEFORE Shift Change 9/1/17 Infiltrating Protected Biochemistry Facility 8/21/17 200km Train Surfing Mission At Night 8/13/17 Escaping Factory AFTER Spotted Sneaking In AND Search Started 8/9/17 stay inside. 7/26/17 Found bunker under chemical laboratory FULL of equipment 7/23/17 Climbed The HIGHEST Crane In The Country (120m) 7/19/17 Escaping Roof AFTER Mistaken For Thief AND Police Called 7/16/17 Just sneaking above a private party at a night club. 6/13/17 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | EP. 4 | The Hot Day 6/9/17 I found an underground safe house with MUCH more stuff... 1/7/17 Exploring DEMOLITION Site at Work Hours 5/12/17 Got a Tour of Factory AFTER Caught By Worker 5/4/17 I found a fully stocked underground safe house... 4/28/17 TWICE ESCAPING Burnt Night Club AFTER Setting Off Alarm 4/24/17 EXTREME Urban Climbing in FALLING APART Factory 4/19/17 Sneaking Into Somebody's Not So Abandoned House 4/1/17 Sneaking Inside USSR Bomb Shelter In PROTECTED Area 3/29/17 ESCAPING Office Building AFTER Alarm Triggers 3/23/17 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | EP. 3 | The Travel Day 2/23/17 When the bus driver kicked me out... (Bus Surfing) 2/15/17 INFILTRATING Office Buildings DURING Rooftop Mission 1/14/17 Train Surfing FAIL (How NOT To Approach a Train) 1/7/17 Sneaking In Semi-Abandoned TV Testing Facility 12/30/16 ESCAPING Through Workers' Offices AFTER Bailing A Climb 12/27/16 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | Intermission | Why do I do this? 10/2/16 USSR Bunker UNEXPECTED Exploration 8/20/16 100km Train Surfing Journey in POV 8/4/16 Free climbing a 240m radio tower 6/12/16 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | EP. 2 | The Long Day 6/12/16 ILLEGAL FREEDOM | EP. 1 | The Rough Day 5/12/16 Beautiful Sunrise Factory Chimney Climb 4/24/16 Semi-Abandoned Factory Escape 4/19/16 High Balancing, Trolley Surfing 'n' More 4/7/16 Roofing Above HUGE CROWD During Festival 3/20/16 BEAUTIFUL Sunset Surfing & Roofing Session 3/15/16 Spring Rooftop Parkour Run 1/14/16 Winter Rooftop Parkour Runs 1/9/16 shiey 2015 Compilation 12/15/15 Kaunas City Rooftops 11/29/15 110m Radio Tower Climb 11/12/15 Rooftop Parkour In City Center 10/28/15 Rooftop Parkour During Rush Hour 10/8/15 Parkour Balance & Climbing Training 9/3/15 Illegal Sneaky Factory Climb 8/11/15 Abandoned Water Park Parkour Run 4/26/15 Illegal Transmission Tower Climb