11/19/21 Train Surfing Journey Across Montenegro ALL PARTS Credits: Video edited by me. Accompanied by PoisonSubtitled/masked by ChillyViking You Might Also Like shiey - RUN AWAY (Music Video) Illegal Transmission Tower Climb Sneaking In Semi-Abandoned TV Testing Facility Train Surfing FAIL (How NOT To Approach a Train) Sneaking In Working Factory AND Chilling In Break Room
11/19/21 Train Surfing Journey Across Montenegro ALL PARTS Credits: Video edited by me. Accompanied by PoisonSubtitled/masked by ChillyViking You Might Also Like shiey - RUN AWAY (Music Video) Illegal Transmission Tower Climb Sneaking In Semi-Abandoned TV Testing Facility Train Surfing FAIL (How NOT To Approach a Train) Sneaking In Working Factory AND Chilling In Break Room